
We keep you informed

In this section you find news regarding our initiatives and events

Conference “Grano duro in Emilia-Romagna: oltre la campagna 2019”

Presentations illustrated at the conference “Grano duro in Emilia-Romagna: oltre la campagna 2019”

Open Fields at the conference “Grano duro in Emilia-Romagna: oltre la campagna 2019”

The Tomato over the years and in the future – the Azienda Stuard contribution

The Tomato over the years and in the future – the Azienda Stuard contribution

Open Fields hosted an Ethiopian delegation of experts in the durum wheat chain and colleagues from CGS SEMENTI

Solidarity in the Azienda Stuard fields – Barilla’s Social Agriculture Project

“AlimentiAMO la sostenibilità” Project. Network for the promotion of food education

Visits to the experimental fields of the “QualitàInBio” project