
Bio2 will attend the “Festival Cittaslow dedicated to biodiversity”

Bio2 will attend the event “Cittaslow Festival dedicated to Biodiversity”, which will be held at Felina di Castelnovo ne Monti, RE (27-29 July 2018).

On Saturday 28th morning at 10 am, the Bio2 project will be introduced, with the presentation “Bio2: ancient grains and mixtures, an opportunity for the Apennines”.

Open Fields, Azienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard, Molino Grassi with Silvio Grassi and the two local farms partners of the project, Bismantova and Angus, will attend the event, and will debate on the first results of the project and the two years of experimentation. Finally, there will be a tasting of products made with flours obtained from Bio2 ancient grains and mixtures.

The Festival has been dedicated to the theme of Biodiversity since last year, and this year’s edition intends to deepen specifically the biodiversity of cereals, with the aim of enhancing the production of cereals with biological methods, the rediscovery of different genotypes of ancient grains and the production of different traditional varieties.

More information at the website link and in the leaflet.

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Open Fields is part of the Healthgrain Forum Board