
HealthBread at the EU Open Day in Brussels!

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On May 17th Open Fields and the other HealthBread Project partners were invited to showcase the project at the EU Open Day in Brussels. The event was a great opportunity to show consumers the results of the project, which is now in its last year. Our stand was located at the Schuman Roundabout, in front of Berlaymont, headquarter of the European Commission: a very long table with flags from the 4 partner countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands) and a lot of bread from Austria, Germany and Italy to taste! Bakery Ripken from Germany brought a portable wooden oven so all breads were cooked on the site. People showed a big interest, not just in testing the bread but also in the project itself.
Even before the event was finished, we had given out all breads. About 500 breads and rolls were cut into approximately 10.000 slices. We estimate that about 3.000 people visited our stand. The visitors were very interested in hearing the Health Bread Story from us and some of them even would have liked to buy the products. Our HealthBread team enjoyed the day and was happy about the positive resonance and the many contacts we had!

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Open Fields is part of the Healthgrain Forum Board