
Open Fields sponsor of “Parma Territorio d’Acque”, a cultural project in the framework of Parma Italy’s Capital of Culture 2020

The “Parma Territorio d’Acque” project, writted by ArcheoVea Impresa Culturale and by Azienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard and approved with DD-2019-1133 of 30/04/2019, will be included in the schedule of PARMA ITALY’S CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2020 events, with the aim to create a tourist and cultural infrastructure dedicated to the theme of water, in order to sensitize towards the issues of preserving and optimizing water resources, to promote scholastic dissemination and to promote the Parma agrifood value chains.

The partnership and development of the project allow to bring together public and private institutions linked by the interest in the valorization of water, starting from Azienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard, a rediscovery and preservation centre of local food culture, as well as an experimental, technical and scientific laboratory, working in the agricultural field for the promotion of local value chains.

The events will take place from the iconic place of the project, the Vasca Votiva di Noceto (PR), whose museum will open in autumn 2019. From this ancient place dating back to the Bronze Age, three cultural paths will depart, which will promote the organization of many events, such as guided tours, technical irrigation demonstrations and tasting experiences of historical local food products.

  • Path one: water and cults. Places involved: Museo della Vasca Votiva, Fontanili, Acque “salse” di Salsomaggiore, Ponte romano di Parma.
  • Path two: water, typical food products and innovation.Places involved: Azienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard, Museo della Vasca Votiva, Mulini per la produzione di farina, Museo del Parmigiano Reggiano di Soragna, Abbazia di Fontevivo.
  • Path three: water, galleries, aqueducts, and medieval canals. Places involved: Alcuni dei luoghi coinvolti: Museo della Vasca Votiva, Gallerie Filtranti di Marano, Impianti, canali, chiuse e pozzi del Consorzio di Bonifica Parmense

Moreover, the cooperation between the partners will allow the opening of other places full of charm which will be announced in the incoming months.

The offer in the field of teaching is very wide, thanks to the collaboration of the University of Parma (DUSIC department), the participation of local educational organization and institutions.

The events will be promoted by ExploringParma website and by the publication of two informative articles.

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